Defensive systems designed to detect and disable

Effective detection is crucial for countering potential threats posed by unauthorized or malicious drones. Ensuring the security of people and airspace as well as critical infrastructure has become an high priority with the constant development and improvement of airborne systems. Detecting UAVs involves various active and passive detection technologies like radar, RF detection, optical and acoustic systems. This multisensory integration provides a reliable solution for effective countermeasures. AI-based multi-sensor fusion improve accuracy and enhance user experience.


Dutch Tree Magus is a fully integrated multi-sensor C-UAS system. The system is modular with interchangeable sensors, following NATO standard protocols for data transmission. Soft-kill effectors are included in the system, hard-kill effectors can be integrated as well.

UAS detection
Classification of detected objects
Tracking of hostile UAS
UAS Targeting for effector
Electronic Warfare Effector Module
Discover the Magus
7 kilometers
Tracking & ID CLASS
10 kilometers
20 kilometers

Intercept before impact.
Time is the most important weapon.